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Name: Eoin English
Job: Senior news reporter with the Irish Examiner
Twitter: @EoinBearla

What do you love about being a journalist?
The variety and sometimes, making a difference, helping to effect change.

What’s the worst part of your job?
Reporting on tragedies. They always leave an emotional mark.

If you were not a journalist what job would you like to be doing?
A helicopter pilot. Search and rescue preferably.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Being lucky enough to visit Chernobyl, Belarus and Ukraine with Adi Roche’s Chernobyl Childrens’ International to meet the people they support, to see their remarkable humanitarian work, and to report on it to mark the charity’s 30th anniversary.

Who is your hero?
Adi Roche.

Tell us something about yourself we might not know already?
I make the best eggs benedict in Cork. Fact.

Who would you love to interview and why?
The actor Kevin Bacon. I bumped into him in the US during my J1 and didn’t have the guts to talk to him then.

Give us some advice?
Tell the truth early. It always comes out in the end. And always ask for an extra scoop of chips in Dinos.

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